Friday, August 21, 2009


What do you notice first... the shirts or the beard? Guess which one is me?

First Day of Kindergarten

Camden was outside waiting to go down to the bus stop about 30 minutes before we had to leave. The night before, he wanted a good nights sleep so he was ASKING to go to bed at 7 PM. He was snoring by 7:30.

Camden loves riding the bus! According to the bus driver, he's a talker. Next week she might sit him somewhere not so close to the front.

Camden and his teacher, Mrs. Buckrop.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The original plan was to finish drywalling the garage, drywall the downstairs hall closet and Shawn's closet. Shawn decided we should drywall my extra closet, fix Camden's closet, and smooth every single wall in the house.

The hall closet was never drywalled. This never seemed to bother us, but apparently we think the next people might care.
This was once the laundry room... now storage.

Are you serious? If you want to buy a house with perfect walls, we have the house for you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Homemade icecream

Grandma & Grandpa Docherty= Homemade icecream
The kids were happy to help and eat the freshly made treat.

YES... it was that good!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Docherty Farmtime

The whole Docherty family was together so we had a photo shoot at the farm.

Miss Sofia... as cute as always.